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Managing foreign trade within the free zone 

Acting as User Operator Special Permanent Free Trade Zones


Acting as User Operator Special Permanent Free Trade Zones

Under the figure of outsourcing, Brisa Zone provides the service of FTZ permanent operation, developing all the characteristics of a user operator activities in accordance with the provisions of the FTZ.

User rating

  1.  Advice on the requirements and procedures necessary to qualify as an industrial user of goods; industrial user of services; industrial user of goods and services; and / or free trade zone commercial user .

  2. Evaluation of requests for industrial or commercial rating of users to access the Franco regime in the Zona Franca Brisa and / or other Free Trade Zone areas operated by Brisa.

  3. User rating in accordance with the regulations outlined in the FTZ.

Training in free regime

  1. Consulting and training in legal, technical and operational matters in relation to the free zone regime in Colombia, its nature, benefits and performance.

  2. Training in program management systematization inventory of the Free Trade Zone.

Easier access to seaport

By the Strategic location, users may have access to Puerto Brisa, a multipurpose mega-port of great water depth and public service, which borders Brisa free trade zone.

Completion of temporary import regimes

In accordance with that established in Brisa free trade zone  will may end temporary import regimes of short and long term, as well as special systems Import - Export, called Plan Vallejo.

Completion of special systems of Import – Export

In accordance with that established in the Franco regime in Brisa free trade zone will may end special systems of Import - Export called Plan Vallejo.

Monitoring of partial processing outside free zone

The Brisa Free Trade Zone provide the alerting and warning service for the return of raw materials, inputs and intermediate goods previously by the Operator user have been authorized to leave temporarily in order to carry out part of the industrial process in the rest of Colombian territory.


Address: Trunk Road Km 22 Via Riohacha Caribbean

Phone: (57 +1) 621 84 29-616 5263.

Dibulla - La Guajira

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